You Still Make My Crazy Little Heart Go BOOM! Chapter 8

Welcome back to my Baby Boom Challenge! I didn’t realize that it has been over a year since I posted an update on this family! I didn’t forget about them! I have just been playing other saves lol. We start out with Amara doing some working out after giving birth to 6 kids! Just to remind you we are at 3 girls and 3 boys. Nice and even so far!

And we are starting out with a birthday!

Belinda is aging up to young adult! That means we can move her out and have more babies! 😀

My game is now allowing me to age kids up early which it was not before so since Brianna has already earned an A in high school we are aging her up too! Yay 2 more spots to fill in the house!

We are also celebrating Bradley’s birthday since he has an A in elementary school so he will now be a teen! I love that my game is cooperating with me now! I was having a hard enough time aging them up when their age bar was full so I am glad now I can age them up whenever I want! That will help this challenge to a lot quicker!

Belle is also becoming a teen! All the birthdays! Yay!

With 2 kids moved out we now have room for a new nooboo! Yay!

Amara has started a new hobby! She has almost maxed painting so I decided to find her another hobby that could make us some money.

Their house was too big and annoying so I rebuilt it! With the new addition of bunk beds I was able to do smaller kids rooms too! Now everyone is on the same floor and I love it!

Here is a look at the layout of the house! I used a floorplan that I found on pinterest. We have a master bedroom and bathroom and a boys room and girls room with boys and girls bathrooms. the front skilling room and play room were a garage in the original floor plan.

I think this is when Amara maxed painting but I don’t remember lol It was either here or soon after lol.

Here is a better look at the kitchen/living area.

And from another angle. I really like this house actually. I think it works well for this family!

I am really impressed with how often this table gets used with this smaller layout!

Since painting is maxed we are working on maxing knitting!

Looks like it’s baby time!

I think we will do home births after this. I mean this is her 7th baby so she should know what to do by now right? lol

Welcome baby girl #4 Blakely!

It’s the weekend so it’s a skilling day!

I love how playing video games counts as skilling! lol

Amara knits while her oldest son comes to her for advice.

Donovan is also skilling so he can get a promotion.

Belle wanted to get into painting and Amara needs to mentor her kids so since she is painting level 10 we are getting 2 birds with 1 stone here lol

Belinda likes to show up in the middle of the night for a visit….we are not letting her in at 2am lol

Donovan is still a good dad on freewill!

Bradley decides to try and learn some cooking!

Blakely grows up to become a toddler! It has been a little while since we played a toddler in this house!

With baby aged up we go for some confetti!

Belle is the first one to start potty training her little sister.

Every time I leave Donovan on freewill he finds himself at the dollhouse with one of the kids lol.

Then he reads Blakely a story for her first night in her toddler bed!

Amara knows how to play with the dollhouse too! With everyone else in the house at school it’s just mommy and Blakely time!

Brett got an A so birthday time for him!

Here he is after his makeover!

Belle tried to cook and started a fire of course…..

Apparently we live in a house full of brave sims so the fire was out in no time!

I saw that Bradley! You know I will be making you fix that right?

She literally walked past the living room to come sit on the toddler bed to knit….

Bradley is stinky but he got an A so he can shower at his new house lol!

Blow out the candles!

Belle also got an A so she will be moving out with her brother! She doesn’t look too impressed.

Blow out the candles!

Beau also got an A so he is becoming a teen!

Blow out the candles!

Here he is after his makeover! I just realized now that I gave him the same shirt that Bradley has lol oops!

Why is it always the toddler beds?

This is the most played with toy in the whole house lol.

I have never gotten an adult to help a toddler on the slide so I had to see what it looked like! I am glad! This is so cute! lol

Blakely always has plenty of attention with 2 teens and 2 adults in the house! lol

Baby time!

Welcome baby girl #5 Blaire!

It’s Harvestfest so another skilling day!

We have another painter in the house!

Donovan is at the dollhouse again! lol

Lot’s of knitting to do! She is leveling up in knitting quite quickly actually!


I built a small basement so Donovan could have a little office and we could have a bit more room for skilling items.

Blaire has aged up!

Sibling fun!

Bedtime stories!

Brianna comes over to hang out with her little sisters!

For fun I decided to get Amara to paint a mural in the basement. Mostly because I have never tried this item yet lol

Also got a cardboard dance floor because I never tried this item yet either lol

Blakely got all her necessary toddler skills so it is time to become a child!

Here she is after her makeover!

Baby time!

Welcome baby girl #6 Beth! The girls are really out numbering the boys now! 6 girls and 3 boys!

I will end here! Hopefully it won’t take me this long for the next update! lol Also, I hope we have some boys in the next update! lol I am not worried yet since we still have a while before we are done this challenge so the boys have time to catch up! Thanks for reading!

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 2.1

Welcome Back to The Comedy Legacy! I don’t even know if I still have readers! lol Oh well! I have been kind of MIA on and off during this pandemic. Even now I don’t know when I will be able to post another update after this because I have 2 kids home doing online learning possibly for the rest of the school year lol. Anyways! We are starting a new generation with our new heiress! When we left off, Phoebe had just gotten married Kiyoshi Ito in a private ceremony on the front porch since Phoebe is a loner lol.

Also, Phoebe is expecting the first baby of the next generation! Remember that this generation the heir needs to be male so lets hope for boy babies!

In case you forgot, Phoebe has the Freelance Botanist Aspiration so she spends a lot of time in the garden!

Kiyoshi’s aspiration had something to do with snowy escape so I changed it to something easier to do from home lol. He now has the Body builder aspiration. His traits by the way are: Creative, Adventurous and Romantic.

Right after finding himself a job he got sick of course….luckily internet medicine clears that up pretty quick!

Phoebe got invited out to some sort of festival with her sister Rachel. I figured I would let the sisters have some fun together!

It was some sort of video game festival I think? I don’t remember lol but everything was broken because of the rain lol.

Phoebe worked on fixing things…I don’t remember if this is what she was supposed to do….it was too long ago that I played this part lol

Literally everything was broken….

Guess we missed the dress code memo lol. Everyone else is wearing some sort of costume lol.

We got to play some games at some point at least!

Johnny is still here and enjoying his rocking chair and thinking about the good old days of sledding I guess lol.

I don’t remember what this picture was for….are his paws on fire? Did he age up? I have no idea…..but yeah we still have cats…..

The garden is expanding and so is Phoebe! lol!

Johnny helps out in the garden still when he feels like it.

Baby time! Look at that belly!

She looks worried. Just give us a boy baby ok?

Waiting for the doctor.

And it’s a girl….ok well we are going to have at least 3 kids each generation so as long as she gives us a boy for one of the 3 kids….

Meet little Roseanne! From the sitcom Roseanne of course! I couldn’t decide what sitcom to go with this generation so I made my mom pick for me and that’s what she picked lol.

Johnny doesn’t hesitate to come meet his new grandbaby! So sweet!

He has picked up playing the guitar. Also I have been slowly redecorating the house for this generation. I get bored of looking at the same decor all the time. I may rebuild their house completely at some point but for now I will just remodel what they have lol

Johnny still gets romantic visits from both of his wives lol. Lucky guy!

He is great at helping out with his grandbaby while her exhausted parents sleep!

Oh no! We have reached the part of our legacy where we lose our founder! 😦

There he goes 😦

Even Siya shows up to mourn him! I am not sure why….he is joining her lol. Maybe because she has to share him in the afterlife with Brittni?

And he is gone. The cat showed up to mourn as well.

More graves than we should have at this point in the legacy but it is what it is lol.

And now it is Dakota’s turn! Man this is going to be one sad household for a while!

Welcome back Grimmy. We see too much of you!

Goodbye Dakota. You were a good cat even though you ran off and got pregnant without my permission.

I will probably revamp the graveyard at some point but for now here it is.

We are expecting another baby that is hopefully a boy!

Roseanne has now become a troublesome toddler!

Here she is after her makeover. Isn’t she cute?

Reading little Roseanne to sleep! How sweet! I love how they can do this because my husband and I always read to our boys at bedtime! Well we did for years with the oldest but he is 15 now lol so he can read for himself! We still read to our 5 year old every night though!

Yep…..this is a sad household right now…. 😦

Little Roseanne taking care of herself like a good little girl!

Phoebe apparently decided to go freeze in the garden….just get in the house already! I can’t have more dead sims right now!

Roseanne and Merlin comfort each other and are so freeeking cute about it too! I love toddlers and pets!

Phoebe is once again expanding in the garden! lol

Roseanne is working on them toddler skills! Trying to get as much done as possible before the new baby comes! lol

That strange creature that is potty training her is her dad lol. I don’t think I mentioned what his job was lol. He doesn’t seem to get much screen time….well we still cant actually see him really….lol

Get all the skills before a new baby comes and takes all the attention away! lol

It’s Johnny! Still cleaning up after this messy family! lol

Dakota came to visit the kitty room too!

I like this! Still taking care of his family! Don’t break anything just continue being a good Johnny!

You might be making too much food though…

I still love the random dance parties! lol

Look! She does have an involved father! We just don’t really see who he is like ever….lol

Who is that guy? Oh yeah! It’s Kiyoshi! He lives here! lol We get to see him without the costume for the first time since Roseanne was born! lol

He passed out on her bedroom floor after putting her to bed…..I may be working him too hard…

Baby time and we aren’t bothering going to the hospital this time lol. Be a boy!

Welcome baby Becky….who is definitely a girl….The next one better be a boy! I want to have at least 2 boys so we can have an actual Heir poll! I guess that means we are having at least 4 kids again…..

Well that is all I have for this update! Hopefully I get better at posting updates! I think I am going to work on an update for my Baby Boom Challenge next though since I have been sort of neglecting them lol. Thanks for reading! 🙂

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 1.13

Welcome back to the Comedy Legacy! These updates have been pretty quick I am quite impressed with myself! This is as far as I have played so the next update won’t be so quick lol. Also, this is quite a long chapter it seems lol. I noticed afterwards that it should have been broken into 2 chapters but oh well! lol Here we go!

12-29-20_10-56-27 PM

We start off with some Father/Daughter bonding time!

12-29-20_10-56-43 PM

I laughed so hard at the kitten being scared of the roomba thingy lol!

12-29-20_11-00-10 PM

Johnny is always wandering off to chat with one of his daughters. Maybe he wants to make sure his relationship with them is stronger since he had 3 kids move out already?

12-30-20_9-00-23 PM

I pretty much let retired Johnny do whatever he wants. Which apparently includes sneaking cake into his bedroom at 4 am lol.

12-30-20_9-10-48 PM

Also, a lot of dancing!

12-30-20_9-12-08 PM

And pointless shoveling! He gets pretty bored when no one else is home lol.

12-30-20_9-13-27 PM

He also started doing some painting.

12-30-20_9-16-51 PM

Monica seems to like having the kittens around. Maybe I will move one of them out with her when she goes?

12-30-20_9-18-56 PM

One is doing homework and the other is correcting homework lol It’s like they are both in school still lol.

01-02-21_8-19-50 PM

Johnny has also started playing the guitar….in the wall it seems….

01-02-21_8-21-01 PM

You better not kill yourself with all this pointless shoveling old man! its 3 am!

01-02-21_8-30-49 PM

Today is Winterfest! We have dug the toys out of storage and invited the whole family over!

01-02-21_8-32-03 PM

All the kids and grandkids!

01-02-21_8-33-05 PM

There is always someone hanging out in Monica’s room. Maybe this couch is the comfiest in the house?

01-02-21_8-34-30 PM

Been a while since we had a dancing toddler in this house! lol

01-02-21_8-35-46 PM

Almost everyone is in the kitchen I believe if not everyone! I didn’t count…lol

01-02-21_8-36-05 PM

Here is another view of the family

01-02-21_8-37-22 PM

Dakota is stealing some turkey and everyone is fine with that it seems. One of the boys decides that turkey is fattening and decides to do sit ups in the kitchen to try and make up for it lol.

01-02-21_8-42-17 PM

Father Winter comes and follows around the cats for a few hours.

01-02-21_8-42-58 PM

Not kidding. He won’t leave them alone!

01-02-21_8-43-54 PM

Then he stands around for a while.

01-02-21_8-45-25 PM

And for some reason he doesn’t leave any gifts….weird?

01-02-21_8-46-38 PM

So I buy them a pile of presents so they can check off this tradition.

01-02-21_8-46-57 PM

They call get pretty random gifts.

01-02-21_8-47-40 PM

Monica must have been the nicest one this year since the is the only one that doesn’t get a pointless gift and she gets a digital camera!

01-02-21_8-49-20 PM

Johnny has a visit with Siya in Monica’s bedroom.

01-02-21_8-50-34 PM

I guess she misses cooking for her family so she makes them some pancakes for breakfast before they wake up!

01-02-21_9-02-40 PM

Rachel comes over to play chess with her dad. I have been slowly doing some redecorating since I was getting bored of the same wall colours lol. A new generation will be starting soon so I figured we could freshen up the place a bit!

01-02-21_9-03-35 PM

All 3 sisters are busy reading and working at the table!

01-02-21_9-18-57 PM

Johnny sure does like dancing lol

01-02-21_9-34-37 PM

We invited the grandkids over again. They are all children now!

01-02-21_9-35-32 PM

The brunette is the only girl. The boys are all blonde if I remember correctly.

01-02-21_9-36-51 PM

Here is another boy kid.

01-02-21_9-42-55 PM

Johnny is nearing the end of his life bar and I am not ready to let him go yet still lol So we are fulfilling some of his wants so he can get another potion of youth! lol

01-02-21_9-43-29 PM

He wanted to build a snow buddy.

01-02-21_9-43-48 PM

So he did!

01-02-21_9-44-13 PM

And he wanted to make a snow angel so we did that too!

01-02-21_9-45-06 PM

We got enough for his potion of youth! This is totally not cheating right? lol

01-02-21_9-46-50 PM

Brittni asked him out on a date so I decided to let him go lol

01-02-21_9-47-56 PM

Totally normal do go to the romance festival with your dead first wife right?

01-02-21_10-05-01 PM

Afterwards I send Monica out to search for a husband! Since Johnny is not dying yet and Phoebe will be an adult in a few days I figured we could let her get married and move out and get on with her life!

01-02-21_10-09-20 PM

We found a match! Yes that is one of her nephews in the background! We literally see at least one of the boys everywhere we go!

01-02-21_10-12-24 PM

We went home and I got them to woohoo and did not expect them to head right for Johnny’s bed…..sorry Johnny!

01-02-21_10-14-51 PM

Phoebe is invited over to Rachel’s house so I figured it would be a good way for her to interact with her niece and nephews more.

01-02-21_10-14-59 PM

Rachel’s husband is now an elder it seems lol.

01-02-21_10-16-06 PM

All 3 boys share a room. It was a tricky thing to fit 3 beds in this room! I actually ended up having to expand the one wall a bit to make them fit! I am happy with the results!

01-02-21_10-19-25 PM

Back at the house. Monica and her boyfriend are having a sleepover lol

01-02-21_10-27-53 PM

Dakota will not be left out!

01-02-21_10-28-27 PM

This is the first time any of the cats has slept on the beds lol

01-02-21_10-30-24 PM

Breakfast time for the love birds!

01-02-21_10-31-46 PM

And apparently we do some dancing after Monica goes to work lol

01-02-21_10-37-07 PM

Johnny doesn’t pass up a dancing opportunity either lol.

01-02-21_10-38-04 PM

Johnny literally ran outside just to talk to this lady that was walking by. Maybe he is lonely being home alone all day lol

01-02-21_10-38-25 PM

This is when I noticed that our monkey bars got hit by lightening at some point lol.

01-02-21_10-42-55 PM

Monica gets home from work and gets back to romancing her man!

01-02-21_10-43-13 PM

Things are going well between them!

01-02-21_10-45-46 PM


01-02-21_10-46-03 PM

He said yes of course!

01-02-21_10-48-08 PM

A little private wedding ceremony in their PJ’s and off they go! They took Henry with them so the main house just has Dakota and Merlin.

01-03-21_5-56-35 PM

I finished re-decorating the Founder/Heir bedroom for Phoebe! It has been empty for a while because I moved Johnny and Siya into the grandparent suite quite a while ago. I figured since she has the gardening aspiration that her room should have a plant theme.

01-03-21_5-56-41 PM

I didn’t want it to be completely green so I found this wall paper that has the blue in it and based everything else in the room off of that.

01-03-21_5-56-50 PM

Another angle

01-03-21_5-56-58 PM

Another angle. I am not much of a decorator but I do like how this turned out.

01-05-21_7-56-47 PM

Merlin became an adult!

01-05-21_8-17-55 PM

It is so strange having just 2 sims in the house. Not enough excitement! lol

01-05-21_8-23-24 PM

I spoke too soon! Phoebe got a random illness! lol

01-05-21_8-24-12 PM

One dose of medicine and she is selfie ready! lol Wish it was that easy in real life! lol

01-05-21_8-28-12 PM

Of course Rachel had to come over because she sensed that we had a new computer for her to use….lol

01-05-21_8-30-30 PM

This is the first time I let Phoebe use the stove…..she is the heir so she has to learn….just don’t burn down the house ok?

01-05-21_8-39-17 PM

Neither one of them want to eat at the giant table it seems.

01-05-21_8-41-23 PM

Time for a birthday! Finally! We can get a real start on this generation!

01-05-21_8-53-07 PM

Here she is after her makeover! I gave her short hair because I kept confusing her and Rachel lol They look so much alike that it was hard having them both have similar hairstyles!

01-05-21_8-54-20 PM

Monica came over! And yes….I may have meddled in her life a bit before she moved out lol That is a baby belly! lol

01-05-21_8-58-25 PM

Dakota is now an elder cat!

01-05-21_9-04-04 PM

I got snowy escape so I decided to send them on a vacation and hunt for a husband while we are here lol.

01-05-21_9-06-59 PM

Skiiing is going great for Phoebe! lol

01-05-21_9-07-50 PM

This is actually my first time trying anything with this pack. I like it so far!

01-05-21_9-08-11 PM

Johnny did this all on his own while I was paying attention to Phoebe….don’t die out here old man!

01-05-21_9-08-27 PM

I don’t think he realizes that he is over 100 days old….lol

01-05-21_9-09-00 PM

I swear! If you kill yourself out here after all I did to try to keep you around longer I will be so mad!

01-05-21_9-12-06 PM

Johnny takes a break and just stands at the bottom of the hill watching everyone else wipe out! lol

01-05-21_9-12-37 PM

Phoebe is on a snack break and we are keeping our eyes open for young adult males! I am going for young adult this time so we don’t have the complications of a big age gap again!

01-05-21_9-13-21 PM

Johnny decides to sit down and join her.

01-05-21_9-15-50 PM

I am really enjoying watching the sims go skiing! I am glad I got this pack!

01-05-21_9-16-17 PM

This is the best part lol!

01-05-21_9-17-25 PM

That looks safer than snowboarding thank you Johnny! lol

01-05-21_9-33-35 PM

We run into this guy so we see what interactions we can have with him lol

01-05-21_9-34-07 PM

I love this! lol

01-05-21_9-35-01 PM

Young adult male! Yay!

01-05-21_9-37-54 PM

We jump right to asking the important question! Is he single? The answer is yes! His name is Kiyoshi Ito!

01-05-21_9-40-39 PM

We invite him out on the town and Phoebe decides that this is a good time to try and learn how to play the piano….lol 

01-05-21_9-43-11 PM

They try to get to know each other despite this grumpy old man interrupting them all the time! lol

01-05-21_9-54-33 PM

She invites him over to their rental and they decide to chat in the hallway so I have a hard time getting good pictures!

01-05-21_9-57-56 PM

First kiss!

01-05-21_10-00-50 PM


01-05-21_10-01-16 PM

Rejected! 😦

01-05-21_10-07-55 PM

Kiyoshi spends the night so they can get to know each other better so he will say yes next time! lol

01-05-21_10-08-11 PM

He also gets to meet her dad of course!

01-05-21_10-09-45 PM

Proposal again!

01-05-21_10-09-53 PM

Accepted! Yay!

01-05-21_10-11-38 PM

I had just sent Phoebe to do some more skiing since it is their last day of vacation and Kiyoshi called and asked her out on a date lol She stepped away from him for 2 seconds! I guess he really does like her! lol

01-05-21_10-12-48 PM

They find a nice love seat to hang out on.

01-05-21_10-13-16 PM

He gives her a massage!

01-05-21_10-13-53 PM

Then they spend the rest of the time chatting with the bartender it seems. It was still a good date though in the end so not bad lol.

01-05-21_10-25-13 PM

I let them do more winter sports before we need to head home.

01-05-21_10-25-51 PM

Off they go!

01-05-21_10-26-17 PM

Then they hang out a bit with the other people here.

01-05-21_10-26-30 PM

We literally see the nephews everywhere! How is he here without their parents?!?!?!?!

01-05-21_10-27-08 PM

Last time ordering food before home time!

01-05-21_10-33-52 PM

We get home to a sick Dakota!

01-05-21_10-37-04 PM

When we get to the vet clinic we see Monica’s husband here with Henry who has the same illness!

01-05-21_10-37-35 PM

We get her all cured and back to normal!

01-05-21_10-41-01 PM

Now we can invite the fiancé over!

01-05-21_10-41-50 PM

And have a private porch wedding ceremony. I forgot to mention. Phoebe got the loner trait when she aged up. I was going to do a big wedding this generation but since she is a loner I figured this was best lol

01-05-21_10-44-25 PM

Yay! This is the last chapter of part 1 of the legacy! We are officially starting the next generation! Thanks for reading and hope to have another update for you soon! I need to play some more before I can post an update though since this is as far as I got! lol

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 1.12

Welcome back to the Comedy Legacy! I know it hasn’t been long since my last update but I did say then that I had 3 chapters ready to write and post!

12-27-20_11-33-56 PM

We left off with Siya passing away and everyone else grieving at Brittni’s grave because I guess Siya’s death reminded them that Brittni (who the girls only ever knew as a ghost) was also dead *facepalm* Sorry Siya!

12-28-20_8-44-03 PM

Our other 2 ghosts keep setting the dryer on fire at night and it is driving me insane!

12-28-20_8-44-34 PM

Johnny to the rescue!

12-28-20_8-44-43 PM

Firefighter: Oh you got this? Ok cool!

12-28-20_8-56-20 PM

Ross/Joey (I don’t remember which is which anymore because they are out of my house and not my problem) came over to grieve Siya! I was impressed he made it to the right tombstone!

12-28-20_9-05-24 PM

Our little heir is dancing her blues away!

12-28-20_9-12-03 PM

Ok so this time it was the house keeper….I don’t know why I bought the laundry day pack….

12-28-20_9-12-15 PM

Oh good you didn’t die….my graveyard is getting a little full for this early in the legacy!

12-28-20_9-14-49 PM

Go ahead and try setting these on fire! I dare you! Yeah I deleted the washer and dryer! No regrets!

12-28-20_9-18-51 PM

Rachel always comes over while cranky to visit her family. I can’t remember her traits but I don’t remember her being this miserable when she lived here.

12-28-20_9-23-15 PM

Siya came for her first visit! Hi!

12-28-20_9-32-47 PM

Monica gets to grow up and not move out! She has to stick around in case her elderly father passes away before Phoebe can take care of herself!

12-28-20_9-32-57 PM

Hope you didn’t wish for an escape because that isn’t happening for you yet! Muhahahaha!

12-28-20_9-33-59 PM

Johnny came home with a promotion. He is also nearing the end of his life bar…he is at level 9 in the business field….it is really hard to get him to skill up when he is getting old and tired too….

12-28-20_9-44-02 PM

Here is Monica after her makeover!

12-28-20_9-46-54 PM

All 3 of them actually sitting at the table to eat!

12-28-20_9-48-34 PM

One of the other kids is like always here. Either Rachel or the 2 boys. They are always asking to come over. It’s like they haven’t even moved out!

12-28-20_9-49-17 PM

Oh yes this is when Johnny became good friends with this kid and fulfilled his aspiration! That is also when I noticed that how could he have completed his aspiration when one of them was to have 4 grandkids? Yeah, Rachel’s most recent pregnancy ended up being triplets….ooops! Sorry Rachel! Guess I should look into moving her out of their little 2 bedroom appartment! lol

12-28-20_9-51-07 PM

I decided to let Johnny retire since his job had nothing to do with his aspiration and he was getting near the end of his life bar anyways.

12-28-20_9-52-36 PM

This guy, you know, either Ross or Joey likes to randomly paint when he is here. Whatever! When he actually finishes one it gives us a bit of money! lol

12-28-20_9-56-47 PM

Johnny spends a lot of his retired time dancing!

12-28-20_9-58-16 PM

It feels so strange only having one kid in school. 

12-28-20_10-02-57 PM

Time to get Monica a job! We find her a job in education!

12-28-20_10-09-54 PM

I couldn’t bear to see Johnny leave yet so I let him drink a youth potion that he earned with his aspiration points so that means it’s not cheating right?

12-28-20_10-29-19 PM

Monica is no longer sharing a room with her sister. I moved her into the boys’ old room and made her her own grown up space since she is stuck living here for now for her sister.

12-28-20_10-30-31 PM

When Phoebe and Monica are at school and work, Johnny gets lonely and talks to plants apparently lol

12-28-20_10-36-06 PM

Phoebe gets to become a moody teenager now!

12-28-20_10-36-10 PM

Blow out them candles but it’s too late to wish yourself out of being heir!

12-28-20_10-46-45 PM

Here she is after her makeover. She got the green thumb trait? (something like that) and whatever the gardening aspiration is….I really should take better notes….lol

12-28-20_10-48-47 PM

Rachel is back visiting again.

12-28-20_10-59-30 PM

Oh yeah! Everyone is visiting for Harvestfest! All the kids at least. Since we haven’t met all the grandkids yet we couldn’t invite them over….

12-28-20_11-01-02 PM

We are mostly successful at making the gnomes happy.

12-28-20_11-02-09 PM

Can never quite get everyone to the table at the same time.

12-28-20_11-08-42 PM

Phoebe starts working on her gardening skill in the family garden!

12-28-20_11-34-43 PM

Try setting the laundry on fire now Brittni! Just try it! HA!

12-28-20_11-42-04 PM

A young adult male randomly came over so we sent Monica out to greet him! Of course her main purpose was to ask if he was single.

12-28-20_11-43-58 PM

He is married….Monica isn’t taking it well….

12-28-20_11-44-06 PM

This is fine….not awkward at all!

12-29-20_9-57-26 PM

I decided that maybe Monica can work on painting while she is in the house. Makes us some extra money and maybe she can paint Phoebe?

12-29-20_10-00-34 PM

More retired dancing!

12-29-20_10-04-56 PM

All 3 at the table again! Maybe this is easier with less sims in the house and such a big table? lol

12-29-20_10-07-41 PM

We send Monica out man-hunting! I want to get her married before kicking her out too.

12-29-20_10-09-27 PM

She decides to lure them with hot dogs? Might work I guess….

12-29-20_10-10-15 PM

Didn’t work, now go back to my idea of hanging out at the library to wait for a smart boy!

12-29-20_10-11-30 PM

Hey look! A smart boy! Only this boy is her nephew Dwayne! Let’s make them meet!

12-29-20_10-11-58 PM

The guy in the turban is Rachel’s husband….I don’t remember him having a turban before but I didn’t really spend much time with him lol

12-29-20_10-12-32 PM

Dwayne meet your aunty Monica!

12-29-20_10-13-48 PM

Some young adult males show up so she ditches the kid to find out if any of them are single.

12-29-20_10-14-01 PM

They both are and the kid sticks around and joins in the conversation anyways lol

12-29-20_10-15-16 PM

2 single guys leave so she is just hanging out with her nephew now lol

12-29-20_10-21-18 PM

So remember how I got 1 singular cat so I wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of kittens? Did you know that your female cat can disappear and come back pregnant? I didn’t. I mean I knew this happened in real life but I did not realize this was a sims thing too….was totally surprised when I got the pop ups saying she had 2 male kittens….crap! The surprises are named Henry and Merlin because that is what the dice rolled! lol

12-29-20_10-28-30 PM

After asking google what to do I found out that you can take your cat to the vet to get her spayed. Yes I knew this is how it worked in real life but I did not know how it worked in the sims…

12-29-20_10-29-16 PM

My first time in the vet clinic but we figured it out!

12-29-20_10-30-04 PM

Dakota thinks she can just nap on the sidewalk! She is mistaken! Muahahahahah!

12-29-20_10-30-37 PM

Johnny chats in the waiting room while the procedure is being done.

12-29-20_10-32-12 PM

Cone of shame and no more babies for you! HA!

12-29-20_10-36-32 PM

Rachel and Monica have a little reunion with Siya!

12-29-20_10-38-23 PM

The kittens are sometimes cute….

12-29-20_10-42-56 PM

Johnny gets invited over to see Rachel’s new house! It is a lilsimsie house! I altered it slightly to fit 3 boys in the one bedroom. Oh yeah! Rachel has 3 boys and 1 girl. She better not be giving birth to all the boys of this generation because my next heir needs to be a boy!

12-29-20_10-43-14 PM

He knocks on the door even though they are clearly all outside….

12-29-20_10-44-06 PM

Great time to teach them flash cards it seems! I don’t remember the triplets names….the girl one is Elaine….I think one of the boys is Devonte but don’t ask me which one…and I don’t remember the other boy name….I should keep better notes….lol

12-29-20_10-45-30 PM

We make sure that Johnny actually meets every grandchild so they can be invited over for future events!

12-29-20_10-46-57 PM

Turns out Dwayne was hanging out in the house skipping school! 

12-29-20_10-47-39 PM

Yeah I should have maybe added more toys to this house so there wouldn’t be so much mess making…..I think they literally only have a doll house right now…

12-29-20_10-48-27 PM

So many messes!

12-29-20_10-49-09 PM

Neatfreak Grandpa can’t handle it! lol

12-29-20_10-50-09 PM

I get him to play with each of the toddlers. Hopefully it doesn’t kill him lol

12-29-20_10-50-21 PM

I just love these interactions!

12-29-20_10-50-36 PM

Just the cutest!

12-29-20_10-51-36 PM

He looks so serious here! I love it!

12-29-20_10-52-18 PM

This might break his back lol

12-29-20_10-52-41 PM

Older brother gets his neatness from Grandpa maybe lol. Anyways I will end this chapter here! There should be another one up within the next couple of days! Our lockdown just got extended for 2 more weeks but the kids get to go back to school on Monday. Seems odd I know but that’s life I guess. That just means more simming time for me! Thanks for reading!

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 1.11

Welcome back to the Comedy Legacy! I know it has been a really long time but this whole global pandemic going on has been hard on me! I have been playing a bit but I haven’t been posting updates lol I have like 3 updates to post now so I am kinda beating myself up right now lol! Anyways! We left off on our first heir poll! If you remember, this generation we were choosing a female heir, next will be male and so on. The choices were Rachel, Monica and Phoebe. And the winner is……



Phoebe! Of course you guys would choose the youngest oops baby! Now we have to wait forever for her to grow up and continue the family line! Her parents are going to be dead before she reaches adulthood so I have to make one of her siblings stay in the house to take care of her! Thanks guys! 😛 lol


It’s a good thing the is an easy going child…and she is pretty…I really kinda like her… she’s just way less convenient for a heir! lol


Since Siya finally mastered painting she is now going to pain Johnny’s founder portrait!


She is doing a great job! I am so glad this is finally getting done! 


Ah! Our handsome founder! I am going to need to figure out who to get to paint Phoebe when she is an adult.


Ross and Joey are actually doing their homework at their desks in their room! This never happens!


They are just being nice to me now that they know for sure neither one of them will ever be heir….lol


We aren’t kicking out Rachel right away. I want to find her a husband first and get her started on her family. I probably won’t do this every time but it helps Johnny’s aspiration if she gives him grand kids before he dies lol.


She doesn’t get out much…..people seem to think she’s a little odd….guess that’s all part of growing up in a legacy house!


Searching for possible husbands!


Being a little obvious about checking people out too it seems!


It didn’t work out with this one.


The bartender seems promising…


We stick around a bit to chat up the bartender.


The next day we invite him over!


First kiss! Things are going well!


They are slowly becoming one person!


Might as well pop the question!


He said yes of course!


Taking care of this part quick before they elope and move out!


A private wedding ceremony!




Kinda concerns me how much she is showing already….oh wait! She isn’t the heir! I don’t have to take care of her babies! lol!






What a lovely ceremony! Now they are moved out and living in a nice little 2 bedroom apartment! 


I don’t remember why I took this pic….she might be trolling teh forums?


Since Phoebe likes animals, we decided to adopt a kitten….I wasn’t going to do the whole pet thing since I only bought this pack because my teenager wanted it….I was never good at keeping both pets and sims alive….We got one singular cat! Her name is Dakota because that’s what the dice rolled lol.


Siya is the first one to give the kitten some love!


Phoebe is meeting the kitten for the first time 🙂


We got this kitty because of you so you better be friends with her!


That’s a start!


She is kinda cute….


Some of the family members love to play with her while others aren’t sure what she is and try to mop her up….lol


Phoebe is putting on a puppet show for her older brother! I have never used the puppet theater before. This is pretty cute!


I don’t know if there was a purpose to this picture….lol


Rachel called and asked if she could come over! Of course she can!


Yep! She is still preggo!


She spends time chatting with both her parents.


Dancing heir!


Rachel is seen waddling by in a wedding dress not long after she leaves our house….a little formal for an evening stroll? Maybe this is to make up for the fact that she got married in her PJ’s? lol


They don’t get much time just the two of them so I decided we should remember this moment lol


I forgot about Johnny’s elder birthday….whoops! Sorry Johnny!


The kitten is being weird lol


Rachel showed up again! Still preggo!


Phoebe needed to make a new friend so we stopped this random lady and befriended her! lol She doesn’t look impressed lol


Sisters dancing together!


Siya is still working on her mischief aspiration and this guy always makes a great target! lol


He is always a good sport about it too! lol


Founder/Heir bonding time! Or Father/Daughter lol


So sweet!


Another dryer fire….of course!


Yes we will try to be more careful next time…thanks…


Dakota became a grown up cat!


She might still be cute….


Phoebe is doing her homework at her desk like a good little girl!


Johnny gets invited over to Rachel’s apartment! She has no more baby bump!


Johnny gets to meet his first grandchild! Meet little Dwayne! (I didn’t pick his name I just let the game name him lol)


Johnny is the only one eating at the table….why do they do this?


I guess Johnny felt lonely at the table by himself….


School project time!


Rachel comes over like every day lol


Siya keeps on painting to make us some money before she leaves us.


I think I forgot to get Rachel her own computer…maybe that’s why she keeps coming over lol.


I don’t know who is going to cook once she is gone lol she literally does all of the cooking lol. She is going to be gone soon 😦


I decided that Rachel should have another baby….so I made it happen lol sorry Rachel! I won’t meddle in your life anymore after this one! lol


2 birthday cakes! This can only mean one thing!


Twin birthday! We get to kick them out!


Bye boys!


Siya looks sad. Maybe I should have waited until after she was gone before moving the boys out.


Since she will be gone soon I just kinda let her do whatever she wants for now.


Still doing what she wants.


Whatever she wants!


One of her boys comes over to visit at least.


Her age bar was full so I figured she should bond with her husband a bit before she goes….


Not long after that her time was up!


There she goes!


Here comes Grim!


Johnny can’t believe that he is losing another wife!


He decides to beg for her to be spared!


Yeah it didn’t work…


Monica came in to see what was going on.


Phoebe knows something is up but she doesn’t go into the room to see for herself.


This is more sad than I expected.


And she is gone!


Monica and Johnny hold each other. So sweet!


Phoebe is so confused that she goes to the graveyard to grieve Brittni who she has only ever known as a ghost….lol.


Now she is in the graveyard next to Johnny’s first wife.


Monica chats with Grim before he leaves because why not?


Then she goes to join her sister in the graveyard to grieve Brittni…..seriously!


Rachel came over soon after. She must have heard about Siya. She looks pretty sad!


We will end this sad chapter with sister bonding over baby bump in the bathroom! I should have another chapter up within the next few days! That is my goal at least! lol Sorry I disappeared for so long! lol Thanks for sticking around!

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 1.10

Welcome back to the Comedy Legacy! Last time we welcomed surprise baby Pheobe. Since she was a girl this means she will be included in the heir poll so this should be interesting! I have good news though! The heir poll will be at the end of this chapter! I played right through until Rachel aged up to Young Adult so we are having the heir poll from there! Monica is still a teen at the end and Pheobe ages up to child just in time for the heir poll so we at least have a glimpse at her starting traits lol.

06-06-20_8-12-37 PM

As you can tell, it is night time in the Comedy household and Johnny and Siya are back to taking care of an infant.

06-06-20_8-22-29 PM

I really should write down his name sometime lol but he is apparently using our computer in the middle of the night.

06-06-20_8-23-44 PM


06-06-20_8-24-33 PM

Melina: Me? I’m just going to read a good book!

Spoiler alert: She broke all the things!

06-06-20_8-26-32 PM

Does Siya look stressed to you? She hides it well! lol

06-06-20_8-28-50 PM

Siblings having breakfast. None of them got the “unwanted sibling” moodlet so that’s nice lol.

06-06-20_8-29-34 PM

Monica is apparently sick so she can’t go to school today.

06-06-20_8-35-22 PM

So she does what all kids do on sick days! Play all day and doesn’t act sick at all! lol

06-06-20_8-38-55 PM

Older kids all come home from school and eat and do homework like good little students!

06-06-20_8-44-24 PM

She doesn’t look stressed. Everything is fine!

06-06-20_8-49-21 PM

Monica watches Rachel do her project because she didn’t get one I guess lol.

06-06-20_8-55-12 PM

Finally sparkles!

06-06-20_9-01-43 PM

She is cute! I had to give her a kitty dress because of Smelly Cat lol. She is Pheobe after all!

06-06-20_9-05-51 PM

Siya still remembers how to take care of toddlers! That’s good!

06-06-20_9-11-32 PM

I believe I took this pic because he got a promotion. That’s usually why I take these pics lol.

06-06-20_9-12-32 PM

Everything keeps breaking…..argh!

06-06-20_9-28-08 PM

It’s winterfest so no school it seems!

06-06-20_9-32-50 PM

And no work so Johnny gets to fix all the broken things!

06-06-20_9-33-53 PM

Siblings get some bonding time! I love this activity table!

06-15-20_10-32-23 PM

And we are all in outerwear again even though I did turn the heat up….

06-15-20_10-45-43 PM

Everyone except Pheobe is sitting down for the Winterfest Meal! It is some sort of miracle!

06-15-20_10-51-23 PM

I love how happy Siya looks in this picture!

06-15-20_10-51-49 PM

Poor Pheobe is sitting alone to eat lol.

06-15-20_10-57-53 PM

I forgot about potty training….lol this is her first time sitting on the potty…

06-15-20_11-01-09 PM

Johnny needs more logic for work so he is living at the chess table again lol

06-15-20_11-01-40 PM

Since it’s winter we can’t have the toddler slide outside lol good thing I built this big awkward house with lots of empty space lol!

06-15-20_11-07-09 PM

Father Christmas is here in a snowstorm!

06-15-20_11-07-39 PM


06-15-20_11-09-51 PM

We get the whole family out of bed to open presents!

06-15-20_11-10-14 PM

Siya and Johnny are pretty close! lol

06-15-20_11-15-27 PM

I didn’t realize Siya had such a close relationship with Father Christmas lol!

06-15-20_11-17-05 PM

No funny business you hear me!?!?!?!

06-15-20_11-18-35 PM

Yeah she broke all the things and tried to hide the evidence by mopping…..

06-15-20_11-36-05 PM

Oh yeah the twins age up today! First Ross!

06-15-20_11-37-43 PM

Then Joey!

06-15-20_11-43-48 PM

Ross is now artistic.

06-15-20_11-49-57 PM

Joey got some boring trait that I didn’t remember or write down….not that it matters because they won’t be heirs! lol

06-15-20_11-52-52 PM

This house is getting pretty full of teens….lol

06-16-20_12-16-20 AM

Rachel is apparently making snow angels on the deck lol.

06-16-20_12-17-46 AM

Joey practices some parenting by teaching his little sister Pheobe some things! I didn’t even tell him to do this!

06-16-20_12-19-38 AM

Just missing Johnny in this picture. He is probably at the chess table lol.

06-16-20_12-30-00 AM

Pheobe is pretty cute! I wouldn’t be totally mad if she won heir poll….lol I don’t actually have a favourite at the moment lol.

06-16-20_12-32-49 AM

Brittni! We like it when you visit! You clean and don’t break things!

06-20-20_10-02-43 PM

And you dance! lol

06-20-20_10-02-51 PM

Dance! Dance! Dance!

06-20-20_10-04-00 PM

Dance! Dance! Dance!

06-20-20_10-05-35 PM

She always reads books in the girl’s room right beside Rachel’s bed. Maybe this is her way of bonding with her daughter?

06-20-20_10-07-07 PM

Pheobe had a bad dream and woke up Rachel. Oh well! She needs parenting practice too!

06-20-20_10-08-32 PM

I have never seen a sim do this….this is new…

06-20-20_10-08-51 PM

There are only 8 empty chairs in front of you!

06-20-20_10-12-15 PM

Teens keep setting the table on their own. I haven’t seen this in any other household yet lol.

06-20-20_10-17-23 PM

Why are you beating up your baby sister’s bear? That is not very nice!

06-20-20_10-18-20 PM

I love this painting lol.

06-20-20_10-19-20 PM

More dancing sims!

06-20-20_10-22-36 PM

We are still working on our potty skill.

06-20-20_10-26-33 PM

And every other skill…..I honestly keep forgetting she exists and I focus on everyone else….she ends up doing her own thing the majority of the time….this has been horrible for her potty skill especially! lol

06-20-20_10-27-40 PM

Fridge is broken…awesome….

06-20-20_10-59-52 PM

Someone set the table again. Probably Rachel.

06-20-20_11-19-44 PM

Homework time!

06-20-20_11-27-13 PM

Oh yeah! Siya gets old today!

06-20-20_11-27-29 PM

Poor Siya! You better still stick around for a while!

06-20-20_11-33-50 PM

Monica gets to become a teen today too!

06-20-20_11-44-19 PM

She has the friend of the animals aspiration…..I have never been good at taking care of pets in this game….lol Should be interesting if she is voted heir….

06-30-20_11-01-46 PM

Everyone except Pheobe is in this picture lol.

06-30-20_11-06-55 PM

Siya painted this masterpiece so I kept it!

06-30-20_11-11-10 PM

And then she painted this one too but I sold it lol.

06-30-20_11-26-55 PM

Bunch of slobs living here I swear!

06-30-20_11-27-31 PM

Luckily we have night cleaners! For some reason our actual maid service doesn’t show up anymore…

06-30-20_11-54-00 PM

Dancing toddler!

06-30-20_11-56-10 PM

Angry teen gets to become a stressed young adult today! Yay!

06-30-20_11-56-20 PM

Blow out the candles!

06-30-20_11-58-07 PM

And now Pheobe’s turn!

06-30-20_11-58-51 PM

While that was going on Siya painted this and finally maxed painting!

06-30-20_11-59-00 PM

And Johnny got a promotion!

07-01-20_12-14-49 AM

Let’s review who we have for heir poll shall we?

Rachel Comedy: Musical Genius Aspiration

Traits: Music Lover, Bookworm, Happy Toddler, Mean, Responsible and Muser

07-01-20_12-15-25 AM

Monica Comedy: Friend of the Animals Aspiration

Traits: Perfectionist, Geek and Animal Affection

07-01-20_12-15-55 AM

Pheobe Comedy: Aspiration not known yet

Traits: Cat Lover and Happy Toddler

Vote here in the comments or over on boolprop! Thanks for reading!

The Comedy Legacy: Chapter 1.9

Welcome back to the Comedy Legacy! I know it has been a while since the last update but with both kids home from school I do not get much free time anymore lol.

06-04-20_8-46-32 PM

Let’s see what the family is up to. Rachel is outside playing basketball.

06-04-20_8-47-49 PM

Ross is napping instead of sleeping of course.

06-04-20_8-47-59 PM

Joey is playing on the computer.

06-04-20_8-48-09 PM

Monica is doing arts and crafts.

06-04-20_8-55-02 PM

And gnomes have shown up for harvest fest! Cool! I have no idea what to do for harvest fest! I just got seasons not long ago! lol

06-04-20_8-57-40 PM

Kids are hanging out in the girls room. I’m kinda grossed out that there is a sippy cup sitting on the desk and there are no toddlers in the house anymore…..

06-04-20_8-59-54 PM

Johnny of course walks right past the dining table and goes all the way to the furthest surface from the kitchen to eat his breakfast….

06-04-20_9-01-06 PM

They keep moving….I assume that I am supposed to do something….I might figure this out eventually.

06-04-20_9-04-56 PM

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Apparently I didn’t go in and choose their cold weather clothes after installing seasons and I was trying to figure out who the stranger was on my lot lol! It’s Johnny! I should probably change him into something that looks a bit more like his style.

06-04-20_9-07-08 PM

We got Siya a voodoo doll to work on her mischief.

06-04-20_9-08-33 PM

Of course we know who her victim is! For some reason nothing was happening to him though then I noticed that she had the moodlet about voodoo backfiring lol So I guess it was affecting her instead but I was watching him lol.

06-04-20_9-08-47 PM

We worked some more on mischief with our favourite torture buddy!

06-04-20_9-08-57 PM

Love the fart cloud!

06-04-20_9-09-01 PM

Pretty bad when you can’t stand your own stink lol.

06-04-20_9-15-00 PM

Everything in this house breaks….maybe eventually we will be able to upgrade everything to unbreakable lol.

06-04-20_9-15-16 PM

Everyone is wearing their outerwear all the time and it is starting to drive me bananas!

06-04-20_9-16-50 PM

Everyone loves the basketball net!

06-04-20_9-18-21 PM

We pleased one of the gnomes! Yay!

06-04-20_9-20-07 PM

So……Funny story…..Siya kept throwing up…..I was worried she was sick again….Then she really had to pee and I noticed she had the option to take a pregnancy test….and well we have a surprise baby! I don’t have any mods for this so I must have hit the wrong woohoo button when trying to raise their fun and social….don’t play sims on no sleep people! It better just be one! And also if it could be a boy then it won’t interfere with our all girl heir poll!

06-04-20_9-21-08 PM

This is Johnny’s face when Siya tells him the news lol.

Johnny: Do you realize that we will both be elders before this child is fully grown? There is a good chance that our heir will have to finish raising this baby!

Siya: I will be an elder before this baby is a child!

06-04-20_9-21-21 PM

Johnny: We can make it work!

Siya: Yeah it’s more trouble for our heir than it is for us!

Hey! If this baby is a girl it could be our heir! This may be a problem!!!!

06-04-20_9-23-24 PM

This would be a nice harvestfest meal picture if people would all sit at the table!

06-04-20_9-24-17 PM

Seriously kids! Eat at the table!!!

06-04-20_9-44-55 PM

Hi! Don’t break our things please! I swear I have to call a handyman everytime she comes out! She breaks too many things for Johnny to fix before work!

06-04-20_9-51-52 PM

Well…..I think she was trying to be helpful…..but wait! We had a recent update! I have been trying to set fires in non-challenge saves just to be able to see the new update and I haven’t yet succeeded!

06-04-20_9-52-17 PM


I do love Siya though.

06-04-20_9-52-29 PM

Rachel: Can you send the cute firemen?

Rachel! Don’t be fussy! Although it would be interesting if you ended up marrying on later on….lol

06-04-20_9-52-59 PM

Yes….lets all go in the burning bathroom….everyone walk through the fire in order to freak out about the fire….great idea….

06-04-20_9-53-18 PM

My whole family is on fire……this is not what I wanted…..why are there so many sims on fire in this legacy?

06-04-20_9-53-45 PM

Rachel is the only one smart enough to impale herself in a door to escape!

06-04-20_9-53-58 PM

Yeah take your time. My whole family is on fire but yeah just take your time there!

06-04-20_9-54-35 PM

Trying to extinguish family members while the firemen take turns working on the fire….Good to know they are as good at their jobs as I remember in past games! lol

06-04-20_9-54-54 PM

Yes extinguish him finally as he gets into the shower…..

06-04-20_9-56-08 PM

Bye guys! Thanks for the help! No one died so it wasn’t a total failure!

06-04-20_10-00-38 PM

Siya and Johnny get to spend a few moments together after all the kids go to school.

06-04-20_10-00-53 PM

Literally just a few moments though lol

06-04-20_10-03-03 PM

Then we work on her mischief skill!

06-04-20_10-05-29 PM

I got her to prank the toilets….I may regret this…..

Just so you know it doesn’t look like it even affected her mischief skill… was just a real pain in the but to have all my toilets booby trapped…..

06-04-20_10-07-27 PM

Oh yeah! We still have a garden making us some money!

06-04-20_10-08-09 PM

We invited over our favourite prank buddy!

06-04-20_10-09-19 PM

He is such a good sport about it lol

06-04-20_10-33-36 PM

I just love her faces lol

06-04-20_10-35-28 PM

Kids came home miserable because they all went to school miserable from being on fire during the night. So whiney!

06-04-20_10-41-04 PM

Can never get them all to eat at the table at the same time.

06-04-20_10-41-18 PM

She was making weird faces so I took a picture lol teenagers are weird lol

06-04-20_10-41-43 PM

Johnny has to level up logic for work. It’s taking forever! He is the only one that actually likes to clean around here so he spends a lot of time cleaning things and fixing things!

06-04-20_10-47-32 PM

We caved and hired a maid service because poor Johnny lives with a bunch of non-neat sims! lol

06-04-20_10-48-39 PM

Hi preggo! There better just be one nooboo in there!

Siya: guess we will find out eventually!

06-04-20_10-54-23 PM

Basketball is popular!

06-04-20_11-01-37 PM

Too popular! It must be a glitch with the update but I am trying to get Siya to work on painting and she keeps cancelling it out to go play basketball! I literally had to move the basketball court to the family inventory just so she would paint!

06-04-20_11-03-06 PM

We got Rachel a piano at some point since she loves music so much!

06-04-20_11-04-47 PM

Still working on painting….we may never get Johnny’s portrait done! lol

06-04-20_11-05-30 PM

A future doctor? Maybe?

06-04-20_11-05-45 PM

Sibling bonding time!

06-04-20_11-08-16 PM

I take a lot of sibling bonding pics as you have noticed!

06-04-20_11-10-44 PM

Brittni! I like it when you visit! You clean and don’t break things or set fires! Understandable about the fires of course! lol

06-04-20_11-11-15 PM

Then she made the gaming system float. lol

06-04-20_11-12-14 PM

And played some basketball because everyone loves the basketball net!

06-04-20_11-13-55 PM

The two wives sharing a meal together…how strange…lol

06-04-20_11-25-17 PM

It’s baby time! Siya couldn’t look more bored! lol

06-04-20_11-26-09 PM

Looking bored at the hospital!

06-04-20_11-26-41 PM

Looking bored checking into the hospital!

06-04-20_11-27-08 PM

Just take out one please doctor!

06-04-20_11-28-45 PM

I forgot to specify which gender to take out…so it is just one….but it is a girl so she is a possible heir…lol

06-04-20_11-29-07 PM

Meet Pheobe of course! Doesn’t she look so excited to be part of a legacy challenge? We will end this chapter here since it has been a long enough one anyways lol

We will still be doing the heir poll when Rachel becomes a young adult. I just haven’t calculated how old Pheobe will be then so it should be interesting! Thanks for reading!

You Still Make My Crazy Little Heart Go BOOM! Chapter 7

Welcome back to my baby boom challenge! Wow it has been a while since I played this family! I kept forgetting who everyone was! If you can remember that far back, we are currently sitting at a full house with 3 girls and 3 boys. We now have to play through these kids growing up so we can slowly move them out and make more babies!

03-15-20_8-28-40 PM

I forgot the purpose of this picture. Here are the kids coming home from school. Maybe someone got an A? I am not sure.

03-15-20_8-32-30 PM

Brett likes to follow around his mommy who is obviously still working on that painting skill!

03-15-20_8-39-14 PM

Ah school projects of course! This is Brianna working on her’s.

03-15-20_8-39-20 PM

And Belle working on her’s. At least the girls are hard at work.

03-15-20_8-40-44 PM

This might have been to show that we got a second couch and a tv? I am not sure if you have seen these before.

03-15-20_8-46-35 PM

Sibling bonding on the couch!

03-15-20_8-52-17 PM

More sibling bonding! I take a lot of these kinds of pictures if you haven’t noticed!

03-15-20_8-53-22 PM

Brett decides to have an interest in books….or shredding books at least….

03-15-20_9-01-37 PM

Someone else probably got an A here but I have no idea who….lol

05-06-20_8-19-03 PM

Amara is now at level 10 in cooking! Now we just need to get her painting skill up to level 10! She is currently sitting at a level 9 so we are close!

05-06-20_8-22-10 PM

We got the laundry pack so that means we have an extra chore to do! We couldn’t afford the actual machines yet sorry Amara!

05-06-20_8-33-58 PM

I just love watching the toddlers climb stairs! So cute! He has no reason to go upstairs though so we made him come back down! lol

05-06-20_8-35-18 PM

2 kids doing homework at the table! Amazing!

05-06-20_8-42-28 PM

Working on Beau’s skills!

05-06-20_8-43-30 PM

Brett grew up without cake because I forgot it was his birthday….ooops!

05-06-20_8-48-23 PM

Here he is after his makeover.

05-12-20_10-42-17 PM

Skilling kids!

05-12-20_10-43-41 PM

I work them hard!

05-12-20_10-55-50 PM

Brianna was also forgotten! Whoops!

05-12-20_11-04-39 PM

Here she is after her makeover! She now has the animal lover trait. Sorry you won’t be getting any animals in this house! Maybe she will fill her house with pets once she moves out.

05-12-20_11-05-08 PM

I built a toddler play room off of the toddler bedroom on the main floor!

05-12-20_11-05-21 PM

I will probably expand it at some point but it is a start! I won’t worry about that until the next batch of toddlers lol We only have 1 in the house right now and he almost has all his skills already.

05-12-20_11-06-13 PM

We got seasons and I just noticed that everyone has random and interesting outerwear lol! Maybe I will get around to changing everyone’s outerwear at some point lol

05-12-20_11-06-21 PM

More outerwear!

05-12-20_11-06-28 PM

And more! lol

05-12-20_11-08-03 PM

Brianna is apparently too sad about her missed birthday to go to school today. I literally could not make her go to school. So annoying!

05-12-20_11-13-02 PM

So she gets to do her homework and skill today!

05-12-20_11-15-20 PM

This is apparently a masterpiece! Whatever! I will take it! lol We need the cash! lol

05-12-20_11-34-31 PM

Donovan got a promotion so he now has reached level 3 in 2 careers.

05-12-20_11-36-06 PM

Everyone in the family is in this picture. Can you spot them all? lol

05-12-20_11-37-29 PM

The boys chat up their dad while he brings his fun level up.

05-12-20_11-42-11 PM

Then he gets a job as a substitute teacher so he can work on getting to level 3 in another career.

05-12-20_11-47-12 PM

I took this picture because Brianna was talking to herself while eating. I love erratic sims! lol

05-12-20_11-55-01 PM

Matching pj sibling play time! lol

05-13-20_12-01-57 AM

Why are the toddler beds the best place to do homework? I swear I am locking the door once we no longer have toddlers in the house lol.

05-13-20_12-02-21 AM

We moved the living room and dining room around in hopes that it would encourage everyone to start eating at the table instead of on the couches. Guess we will see how that goes!

05-14-20_11-42-16 AM

We also bought a second computer for skilling purposes! It is the weekend so everyone is skilling!

05-14-20_11-42-32 AM

Belle is taking a break from drawing to chat with her skilling brothers. Amara needs one of her kids to max a skill so the race is on!

05-14-20_11-43-40 AM

Beau is playing in a bucket of water. He is aging up today and almost maxed all his skills so we are just letting him do what he wants lol.

05-14-20_11-44-26 AM

Belle is doing drawing after drawing to bring up her skill.

05-14-20_11-44-34 AM

Belinda needs skills for school so we are working on cooking since that would help out a lot around here lol. I make her read about cooking first before I let her near the stove! lol

05-14-20_11-46-58 AM

Now I am letting her bake a cake for Beau’s birthday!

05-14-20_11-49-55 AM

It is a beautiful hamburger cake! Too bad we can’t actually use it for some reason! I have been trying all day to put candles in it for Beau but it won’t let me! Anyone else ever have this issue? Maybe because I forgot 2 birthdays I no longer have the right to birthdays? lol

05-14-20_11-55-09 AM

Now Belinda is working on her guitar skill because she had the want for it. As long as someone maxes something I don’t care! lol

05-14-20_11-55-45 AM

Interesting paintings over here for skill level 9…lol

05-14-20_11-59-31 AM

We bought swings because we can! I made these 2 take a break from skilling so I could see how they worked! Not disapointed!

05-14-20_12-02-36 PM

Donovan is being a good dad on free will again! His parenting skill is actually higher than Amara’s right now lol Pretty sad considering she never leaves the house and he works full time! lol

05-14-20_12-13-10 PM

Another masterpiece! I will take it! lol

05-14-20_12-24-33 PM

We got enough money to buy a table that fits everyone! Not that everyone will ever sit at it at the same time…lol

05-14-20_12-30-02 PM

Beau grew up sad because of cake glitch issues. Sorry kid! This one wasn’t my fault!

05-14-20_12-35-55 PM

Here he is after his makeover! He is also apparently too sad to go to school. Weird. Anyways I will end this here because we officially have no toddlers in the house! We shall enjoy it while it lasts! Hopefully we can start moving kids out and making more babies next chapter! Thanks for reading!

A Pleasant Legacy: Chapter 1.2

Welcome back to A Pleasant Legacy! We have finished university and officially get to start lawn living!


Here is all her furniture surrounding her bathroom! Hopefully we get a house before we get snow! It is spring right now so also hopefully no rain lol


Kitchen in the back


This is the exercise bike that she bought in University. For some reason she didn’t get to keep any of the money she earned in University? Maybe I moved her out wrong or something. Anywhoo! She is now living in Pleasant Town which she obviously chose because the name reminds her of home!


She is looking for a job in law to fulfill her aspiration of becoming the law! No luck in the newspaper.


This guy (Don’t remember his name at the moment) dropped off a computer for us….this might be against legacy rules but I can’t control it right? We can use it for job hunting right? lol


So we do! No jobs in law but she took at job in Politics so she can still make money until her job shows up. We really need to go clothes shopping! This ballet outfit is bugging me! lol


Here comes the welcome wagon! First Sim to show up is my Simself! That is her unfinished house back there……I should really go and finish building that…


Surprise Surprise! Angela isn’t attracted to either of these guys!


We decide to ditch them and go out to buy at least an everyday outfit. Maybe shop for husbands at the same time!


2 bolts of chemistry! Yay! This is Shae (I forgot to write down his last name….oops lol)


We make our purchase before the flirt session!


They have crushes! We are getting somewhere!


So cute!


Angela tidies up dishes while we wait for the cab to take her home.


Welcome wagon is still there. My simself is apparently playing with a stray dog.


New clothes!


Next day is the first day of work! Hopefully we can get into the law career soon!


Angela decides to invite Shae over. We do need to get a start on this legacy!




Serenades! I missed the Sims 2!




Rejected! lol oh well! We will try again!


Such a cute couple!


Maybe he needs some convincing?


Lots of convincing….


We know what happened here.


Stray cat wandered by while they slept.


Romantic proposal in the bathroom!


How could he say no in the bathroom? He didn’t of course!


Private wedding time!


So sweet!


He has an aspiration in the athletic field so we search for a new job for him.


We manage to find Angela a career in law!


He still has to go to his job in medicine for now. We needs the monies!


First day in the Law field!


We manage to build them a tiny house!


Shae brings a friend home from work.


Then goes looking for a new job the next morning and finds one in the athletic field!


This is Mr. Brown from across the street. Apparently Angela was peeping in his window with the telescope before leaving for work and Shae got yelled at for it! lol


Angela got fired. Darn wild cards! I never have any luck with them! lol


At least we have 1 employed sim.


Walking by is my husband’s Simself with our Dog Buttercup’s Simself lol.


Yeah it was a great time to get fired….lol


We will still hunt for a career in law again but she won’t be able to attend until after the baby comes! Tune in next time for the first baby of this legacy! Thanks for reading!

A Pleasant Legacy: Chapter 1.1

Welcome back to the first official chapter of A Pleasant Legacy! I will let you in on a little secret…..This isn’t the original Angela Pleasant! I recreated her to the best of my abilities so that she would be starting fresh with no skills or friends or anything. I also moved her away from Pleasantview into a neighborhood that I made strictly for this Legacy challenge. There isn’t a ton going on in this chapter because she spent most of her time doing assignments and such to keep her GPA at a 4.0. We did University the Angela Pleasant way! All work and very little play! lol


First day of University life and dorm living! We claimed a room upstairs!


To make it more homey for her I redecorated the bed with a matching bedspread that she had back home!


We waste no time hitting the books! We are doing this University living the Angela Pleasant way! Working hard and not slacking off! We want to get places in life! She is a popularity sim with the aspiration to Be the Law!


It is really handy that the dorms have all the skilling items that we need! I am not completely sure if that is cheating or not….lol She will be lawn living after University so I think it’s ok if she has a break now right?


Stuffing her face with food that she didn’t have to cook! Also might be cheating but I am not 100% sure lol. Maybe this legacy will be just for fun and we wont count points? Maybe I will just follow the rules to the best of my abilities and not use cheats? We will see lol. I will decide after I look up how many rules I might have broken already lol!


We claimed a dorm room that came with a computer….also might be cheating….lol


Angela makes sure to keep in touch with her new friends! Ok so the only friends she has managed to make so far are professors….such a nerd! lol


She chose the Political Science Major since she wants to Be the Law!


We do let her have some fun in between studying and such!


She gets to try some arcade games too!


And painting in the rain….we eventually moved the easel inside so that she didn’t get horribly sick when she painted lol.


Angela makes sure to work out as well!


Of course she does her assignments! Her GPA has been a steady 4.0!


Not sure I would want to do my assignment next to the stinky garbage and cockroaches!


Shower Smustle anyone? lol


We had a tree get struck by lightning! I haven’t played with any seasons packs in a while so I was pretty shocked! By the time I got Angela to the phone the fire was out so it was pretty non-eventful!


Then we had a kitchen fire! Aren’t you supposed to be a professional?


Angela likes to dance when her fun is too low to do homework.


We bought her an exercise bike for her room hoping that it would increase her body skill faster. I think it works?


I missed the Smustle!


Here she is studying Parenting to prepare for the future!


She also enjoys painting!


This means we graduated with a 4.0! University life just flew by didn’t it? I told you there wasn’t much worth documenting lol.


We decide to let her hang out a bit afterwards to see if she has any chemistry with anyone around here. She has either had no bolts or negative bolts for every guy in the dorm! lol She literally is disgusted by everyone! Her only friends even are professors!


We bring her to a hang out spot to see if she has chemistry with anyone here.






She isn’t the only one here lol


We give up after 5 nopes and decide to move her into her big empty lot in what will be called her home! Maybe she can find someone there!


Maybe at a clothing store! She needs something less blah! lol See you next time when we get a real start on this Legacy Challenge!